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    Kaleidoscope of Szczecin – A Graphic Tale of the City

    Katarzyna Jackowska

    Katarzyna Jackowska

    Kaleidoscope of Szczecin – A Graphic Tale of the City

    Szczecińskim Inkubatorze Kultury (al. Wojska Polskiego 90)

    An exceptional exhibition opening

    "Kaleidoscope of Szczecin" is a unique artistic project that unveils the city’s distinctiveness through a fusion of photography, graphic design, and various artistic techniques.

    The exhibition’s creator, Marta Jeruzal, has lived in Szczecin for nearly eight years and fell in love with its atmosphere at first sight. The project began in 2019, inspired by collections from the Museum of Technology and Transport, and has since evolved, combining digital and traditional media.

    The creative process starts with city walks, conversations with locals and tour guides, and photography. These images are then transformed into kaleidoscopic compositions, offering a fresh and artistic perspective on Szczecin. Since 2023, the artist has incorporated drawing, watercolour, and collage techniques, blending digital and analogue elements to create a rich visual narrative.

    The Exhibition Features Three Sections:

    A Walk Through Szczecin – A graphic kaleidoscope of the city's symbols.
    Multisedinum – A re-exhibition of works previously displayed at the Museum of Technology and Transport, curated by Sabina Wacławczyk and Wojciech Feliński.
    Analogue & Digital – A fusion of works from the "Watercolour & Kaleidoscope" and "Kaleidoscopic Mosaic"series, developed since autumn 2023. This section showcases the project's evolution from 2020 to the latest works of 2025, demonstrating the diverse artistic techniques that capture the multi-dimensional beauty of Szczecin.

    The exhibition runs until 28th March 2025.

    For viewings outside the opening event, please contact INKU:
    Magda Roman –
    Tel.: + 48 91 424 04 64

    Stay tuned!

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