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Czech weekend | Moravian Philharmonic
Two orchestral works, aside from the common factor of the composers' nationality, also conceal intriguing stories of their struggles with music, its form, and inspiration.
Szczecin Philharmonic
Czech weekend | The Little Mole and music
The Little Mole? Of course, Czechia is the first association!
Szczecin Philharmonic
30th Anniversary of Wasilewski Trio
Tomasz Stańko said there has never been a group like them in the entire history of Polish jazz.
Szczecin Philharmonic
Frida: A Collector from Szczecin’s Westend
We are pleased to invite you to another spectacle produced by the Lentz Villa! Frida: A Collector from Westend
The Lentz Villa
The Great Improvisation
What exactly is improvisation, and why does EduFilharmonia tackle this enigmatic theme?
Szczecin Philharmonic
Yuka Hattori and Andrzej Wróbel
Our next concert in the cycle CHOPIN AT THE WILLA LENTZA. COMPLETE WORKS, held on Saturday, 28th September 2024...
The Lentz Villa
Szymon Brodziak | Between light and shadow
Szymon Brodziak, the master of black-and-white photography, invites you on an extraordinary journey into the world of imagination during the seventh edition of the MUSIC.DESIGN.FORM Festival.
Szczecin Philharmonic - Level 4 Gallery
Building Illumination
From October 3 to October 6, 2024, from 7:00 pm until midnight, the exterior facade of the Szczecin Philharmonic will become a unique canvas entrusted to the boundless imagination of artists from the Szczecin-based Pushka Studio.
Szczecin Philharmonic