Temporary absolute ban on moving along flood embankments

Natalia Mróz

The Director of the Regional Water Management Board in Szczecin of the State Water Management Company Wody Polskie, in connection with the current hydrological and meteorological situation, INTRODUCES A TEMPORARY ABSOLUTE BAN ON MOVING ON FLOOD EMBANKMENTS.
The above ban covers the entire area of operation of the Regional Water Management Board in Szczecin without exceptions. The ban comes into effect immediately and is valid from 18.09.2024 until further notice.
According to the provisions of the Water Law, "in the event that the tightness or stability of flood embankments is threatened and a threat occurs that requires limiting the possibility of moving along flood embankments - the owner or manager of the flood embankment shall introduce a temporary ban on moving along these embankments".
According to the law in force in Poland, a person who damages the reinforcements on a flood embankment is subject to a fine or a reprimand. The same penalty is also imposed on persons who violate other restrictions on the use of flood embankments introduced by the competent state or local government authorities.