
Tall Ships for everyone

Marta Kufel

Marta Kufel

Tall Ships for everyone

The only barriers at the Tall Ships are the ones that provide safety! We are removing all other obstacles, helping people with disabilities to move around the event site.

Everyone can see what attractions we have prepared for the residents of Szczecin and tourists during the finale of the Tall Ships Races. Persons with disabilities who need support in moving around the area of Chrobry Embankment and Łasztownia may contact us, by calling at 581 917 744. The phone number will be active between Friday and Sunday, 10.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

“After a prior arrangement, special service staff will provide any assistance and try to facilitate active participation in our sailing festival,” said Celina Wołosz, Spokesperson for Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia company. “In addition, holders of disabled parking permit cards will be able to drive closer to the venue, all the way to the blue zone.”

As for the area of Chrobry Embankment, we suggest access from Komandorska Street, and in Łasztownia, you can use the car park in Zbożowa Street. All this to make sure that anyone wishing to come to our event would only have a problem with the multitude of attractions to choose from, not with accessibility.

Join us!

For detailed information on the event, go to our website: www.tallships.szczecin.eu.

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