
Cisne Branco will not compete in The TallShips Races

Marta Kufel

Marta Kufel

Cisne Branco will not compete in The TallShips Races

The Brazilian Cisne Branco (White Swan) tall ship has been forced to resign from the race due to an engine failure it has been struggling with for several days.

According to information provided by the Brazilian Navy, Cisne Branco will remain in Lisbon until the engine is repaired. This means that the tall ship will not be able to compete in this year’s regatta or visit Szczecin for the finals.

Cisne Branco (White Swan) is a vessel of the Brazilian Navy.

“The powerful 74-metre tall ship was built in a Dutch shipyard, in Amsterdam”, said Celina Wołosz, Spokesperson for Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia. “This is the third Cisne Branco vessel in Brazil. The first one – a 15-metre classic yacht – was designed by Alfred Mylny and built by Alexander Robertson in 1910”.

This year’s The TallShipsRaces event will start in Klaipeda, Lithuania, this Sunday. The vessels will be racing for five weeks on the following route: Klaipeda – Helsinki – Tallinn – Turku – Mariehamn – Szczecin. The finals will take place in Szczecin on 2–5 August.

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