The “Made in Szczecin” certificate. Join the elite!

Marta Kufel

Marta Kufel

The “Made in Szczecin” certificate. Join the elite!

Another edition of the “Made in Szczecin” has kicked off. It is the eighth time that this unique certificate will be awarded. Applications can be submitted until the end of August. The Szczecin Metropolitan Region Development Agency has been coordinating the project on behalf of the City.

The “Made in Szczecin” brand recognises the most interesting regional products and services. The “Made in Szczecin” mark has been awarded since 2018. A total of 320 organisations have applied for it since, of which 120 were recognised and allowed to market their products using the mark.

“The Municipality awards the certificate to original products or services from Szczecin that have a stand-out quality and create a positive image of the city,” said Tomasz Klek, Spokesman for the Szczecin Metropolitan Region Development Agency. “The brand's goal is to promote creative, entrepreneurial and innovative efforts. On top of that, the “Made in Szczecin” certificate strengthens the local identity and drives customer loyalty towards Szczecin's brands.

Who can apply for the “Made in Szczecin” certificate?

The brand may be granted to products and services of businesses, institutions, and other organisations operating within the Szczecin Metropolitan Region, provided that they have been available on the Szczecin market for at least a year before the application. Evaluation criteria include innovativeness, quality and dedication to local heritage.

“Made in Szczecin” is a brand of honour and as such does not entail any financial benefits or tax allowances. However, it allows organisations to take part in promotional campaigns held in Szczecin and to feature the brand’s logo in publicity materials.

Where and until when can I submit an application?

You can submit your application until 31 August 2024 by sending an email to, using the website, or handing in the application at the office of the Szczecin Metropolitan Region Development Agency at ul. Niemierzyńska 17A, 71 - 441 Szczecin (2nd floor) in a closed envelope with a note saying “Marka Zrobione w Szczecinie”. Call 91 333 97 70 to get more information.

For details and the list of laureates, go to:

Stay tuned!

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