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      Żagle 2023 will run on 18-20 August!

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Żagle 2023 will run on 18-20 August!

      It's official – Żagle 2023 will take place on the weekend of 18-20 August. Once again, Szczecin's wharfs will be full of vessels. Save the date!  

      Vessels coming to Szczecin with a guest visit will moor at the foot of Chrobry Embankments and on Łasztownia. A dozen-odd sailers will come from Poland, Germany, Finland and the Netherlands. There will also be ships from Gdynia’s 3rd Ship Flotilla and Świnoujście's 8th Coastal Guard Flottila. Szczecin's fleet will be represented as well.


      Żagle will feature various activity zones for children and families, the Brass Band Festival, as well as concerts at the main and shanty stages. The Jarmark pod Żaglami fair will also be set up with Food Truck and Artist Zones. For a number of years now, the Craft Beer Zone has been a staple and hugely popular part of the event, drawing in crowds to taste craft beer from all over Poland. Exhibitors for individual zones are now being selected.


      On 19 August, Lake Dąbie will feature the contest of centreboard yachts up to 15 metres in the KWR1, KWR2 and OPEN categories (Mayor’s Cup Regatta). After the regatta, the yachts will moor at the Chrobry Embankments. Grodzka Island will turn into a sailing zone, featuring Optimist sailing and training shows. Training simulators will be available there. This year's edition is also a great opportunity to celebrate the 25th anniversary of “Nawigator XXI”.

      Sailing Szczecin

      Szczecin is famous for its sailing events. Żagle, formerly known as Sea Days, and The Tall Ships Race,s organised every couple of years (2007, 2013, 2017), have garnered numerous enthusiasts and became highlights of the summer calendar event.

      This is the third edition of the Żagle event. Initiated in 2021, this great sailing event have met with a warm welcome from residents and tourists. Held in summer, Żagle successfully drew in tens of thousands of Szczecin's residents and their guests.

      The event will be held on the right and left banks of the Oder. As in the previous years, vehicle traffic along Jana z Kolna Street will remain open.

      For more information about the event, go to i

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