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      Young kestrels already together

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Young kestrels already together

      Six falcons hatched this year in the nest, which is located in a niche of the City Hall building. The bird family will spend the next few weeks on the City Hall’s premises. During this time, through special cameras aimed at the nest, everyone will be able to follow the story of Szczecin’s falcons.

      The first young birds hatched on 3 June  this year (Friday). More came into the world at the weekend and the last ones on 6 June. The parents will be feeding and protecting the nestlings in the coming days. Once the kestrels are old enough they will slowly start to leave the nest to walk on the roofs and ledges of the City Hall on their own. The next step in their development will be learning to fly.

      The kestrel nest can be followed here.

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