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      We know this year’s winners of the “Made in Szczecin” brand

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      We know this year’s winners of the “Made in Szczecin” brand

      The third stage of a project to improve the health status of natural monuments in Szczecin has been completed.

      Within the scope of the task, nursing works were carried out, including sanitary and corrective pruning as well as weight reduction, anti-fungal spraying, sanitation of the surroundings (fertilising with fertilisers, mulching with bark, watering) and servicing of the existing bindings – on 12 trees/nature monuments within the Municipality of Szczecin at the following 5 locations:

      1) Kopalniana Street – 1 pedunculate oak,

      2) Kopalniana Street – 1 common beech,

      3) Broniewskiego Street – 4 (group) common yew,

      4) Judyma Street – 3 (group) common yew,

      5) Radosna Street – Dzika Street – pedunculate oak,

      6) 5 Lipca Street – horse chestnut

      Thanks to the obtained funding, an ecological effect has been achieved in the form of an improvement in the health status of 12 trees/nature monuments within the Municipality of Szczecin.

      As part of the task, 5 information boards have been made. Grant: PLN 31,736.02 (73%).

      The project entitled “Maintenance of nature monuments within the Municipality of Szczecin – stage III” is a continuation of stages I and II implemented in 2020 and 2021.

      As part of all stages, a total of 447 trees – nature monuments – have been maintained.

      The amount of the grant (stages I-III) is PLN 105,700. The natural monuments included in the grant required intervention due to their condition and safety. The detailed scope of works for all nature monuments is contained in Resolution No. XIV/484/20 of the City of Szczecin Council of 28 January 2020.

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