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      Volunteers needed to help

      Natalia Mróz

      Natalia Mróz

      Volunteers needed to help

      Support for flood victims can be provided not only by bringing gifts, but also by joining the team that packs them. Volunteers can register and help at the collection point for gifts at Netto Arena.

      The collection point for gifts for flood victims at Szafera Street has been operating dynamically since Tuesday. With each passing hour, the Netto Arena is filling up with provisions, cleaning products, packs of water, pet food and other products that will soon be leaving Szczecin for southern Poland. People who would like to help not only by bringing gifts can join the group of volunteers who sort products, pack them in boxes and prepare the gifts for transport.

      - We have launched a registration form for everyone who wants to help at the collection point - informs Celina Wołosz, spokesperson for Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia.

      Link to form:

      The donation collection point at Netto Arena is open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Until Thursday, the 19th of September, donations will be accepted from the technical entrance T1 (entrance to the car park from the Orlik pitch). On the weekend of the  20th-22nd of September, there will be a change - donations will be accepted at the T3 entrance from the general car park. Then, on Monday, the 23rd of September, return to the T1 entrance.

      For more current information, please visit Netto Arena's Facebook profile

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