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      Track revolution. Rodła Square to be closed for traffic

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Track revolution. Rodła Square to be closed for traffic

      Next week, we are expecting the 10th traffic arrangement change related to the reconstruction of rail tracks from Niebuszewo to Rodła Square. It will be a difficult stage, and it is expected to last around two weeks. The change will affect both drivers and public transport passengers, but the situation is expected to improve greatly afterwards.

      The next stage of the temporary traffic arrangement will be introduced as of 16 June 2022. It is related to the need to lay the wearing course and perform finishing works in the Rodła Square area. The ZUE company is preparing for the opening of the intersection for traffic, but before that, as of next Thursday:

      The eastern carriageway of Wyzwolenia Avenue, between Żołnierza Square and Borysza St. (exit from C.H. Galaxy shopping centre) will be closed.

      The western carriageway of Wyzwolenia Avenue will be open for traffic along a section from Malczewskiego St. to Żołnierza Square.

      Piłsudskiego St. in both directions between Mazurska St. and Rodła Square, will be open for traffic.

      The diversion route for traffic along the closed section of Wyzwolenia Avenue will run through Żołnierza Square - along Matejki and Malczewskiego Streets, and through Lotników Square - along Mazurska and Rayskiego Streets.

      Piłsudskiego Street will continue to be closed for traffic along a section between Wyzwolenia Avenue and Matejki St.

      The works along a section between Malczewskiego St. and Giedroycia Roundabout will be continued in line with the current traffic arrangement.


      In relation to the commencement of the subsequent stage of tram track reconstruction, as of 16 June 2022 (for night bus lines, from the night of 16/17.06.2022), changes will be introduced to the operation of bus lines, for the period of about two weeks.

      1. Line No. 58 and 59 buses:
        1. In the direction of the “Plac Rodła” terminus, the buses will run along the existing route, but the traffic will be again diverted to the western carriageway of Wyzwolenia Avenue. The final stop, “Plac Rodła” (No. 11537), will be left in the current location. The existing “Plac Rodła” route bus stop (No. 11513), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of Rodła Square, will be liquidated.
        2. In the direction of “Gocław”, “Nehringa” and “Studzienna” termini, from “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop (No. 11314), buses will run along Małopolska St., left to the tram tracks, and along Matejki St. to the “Matejki” stop, and then along their regular routes. The existing “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11530) and “Malczewskiego” stop (No. 13011) will be liquidated. “Filharmonia” stop (No. 11412) within the tram tracks will be opened instead.


      1. Line No. 68 buses
        1. In the direction of the “Plac Rodła” terminus, from the “Matejki” stop, the buses will run along Malczewskiego St. and Wyzwolenia Avenue to the “Plac Rodła” final stop (No. 11543), located within Piłsudskiego St. past Rodła Square. The existing stops, “Filharmonia” (No. 11410), “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” (No. 11314), and “Plac Rodła” (No. 11531), will be liquidated.
        2. In the direction of “Świergotki” and “Rostocka” termini, from the “Plac Rodła” initial bus stop (No. 11543), buses will run along Piłsudskiego St., Grunwaldzki Square, Rayskiego St. to “Malczewskiego” stop, and then along their regular route.


      1. From the “Plac Grunwaldzki” stop, line No. 70 buses will run along Piłsudskiego St., Wyzwolenia Avenue, Żołnierza Polskiego Square, Hołdu Pruskiego Square, Małopolska St., to “Starzyńskiego” stop, and then along their regular route.  The “Mazurska” stop (No. 18811) will be liquidated. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11541), located within Piłsudskiego St. in front of the Westpomeranian Region Marshal's Office, will be opened instead.
      2. The location of the “Plac Rodła” final stop (No. 11541), within Piłsudskiego St. in front of the Westpomeranian Region Marshal's Office, will be reinstated for line No. 86. Moreover, in the direction of “Osiedle Kaliny” and “Zakłady Piekarnicze” termini, buses will stop at the “Plac Rodła” stop (No.  11535), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue, past the Rodła Square. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11551), located within Mazowiecka St., will be liquidated.
      3. As for line No. 87, “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop in the direction of “Podbórz” terminus (No. 11330), and “Mazurska” stop in the direction of “Dworzec Główny (Owocowa)” teminus (No. 18811) will be liquidated.
      4. Line No. 101 buses will run along the Police Jasienica Pętla – Plac Rodła route:
        1. In the direction of the “Plac Rodła” terminus, from the “Matejki” stop, the buses will run along Malczewskiego St. and Wyzwolenia Avenue to the “Plac Rodła” final stop (No. 11544), located within Piłsudskiego St., between intersections with Wyzwolenia Avenue and Mazurska St. The existing stops, “Filharmonia” (No. 11410) and “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” (No. 11313), will be liquidated.
        2. In the direction of the “Police Jasienica Pętla” terminus, from the “Plac Rodła” initial bus stop (No. 11544), buses will run along Piłsudskiego St., Grunwaldzki Square, Rayskiego St. to “Malczewskiego” stop, and then along their regular route. The existing “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11530) will be liquidated.
      5. Line No. 107 buses:
        1. In the direction of the “Plac Rodła” terminus, from the “Matejki” stop, the buses will run along Malczewskiego St. and Wyzwolenia Avenue to the “Plac Rodła” final stop (No. 11545), located within Piłsudskiego St. in front of the intersection with Mazurska St. The existing stops, “Filharmonia” (No. 11410), “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” (No. 11314,) and “Plac Rodła” (No. 11532) will be liquidated. The switch to line No. 524 will take place on “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11543).
        2. In the direction of “Police Wyszyńskiego Polana” terminus, from the “Plac Rodła” initial bus stop (No. 11545), buses will run along Piłsudskiego St., Grunwaldzki Square, Rayskiego St. to “Malczewskiego” stop, and then along their regular route. 


      1. Line No. 812 buses:
        1. In the direction of the “Plac Kościuszki” terminus, the buses will run along the existing route, but the traffic will be again diverted to the western carriageway of Wyzwolenia Avenue. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11535), will be located within Wyzwolenia Avenue, past Rodła Square. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11513), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of Rodła Square, will be liquidated. 
        2. In the direction of “Kołłątaja” terminus, to “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop, buses will run along Małopolska St., left to the tram tracks, and along Matejki St., Malczewskiego St., and Wyzwolenia Avenue to the “Rayskiego” stop, and then along their regular route. The existing “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11530) will be liquidated. “Filharmonia” stop (No. 11412), located within the tram tracks, will be opened instead.
      2. Line B buses:
        1. In the direction of the “Osiedle Bukowe” terminus, the buses will run along the existing route, but the traffic will be again diverted to the western carriageway of Wyzwolenia Avenue. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11535) will be located within Wyzwolenia Avenue, past Rodła Square. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11513), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of Rodła Square, will be liquidated.
        2. In the direction of “Osiedle Arkońskie” terminus, to the “Brama Portowa” stop, buses will run along Niepodległości Avenue, Żołnierza Polskiego Square (Kwiatowa Avenue), Hołdu Pruskiego Square, Matejki St., Salomei St., Staszica St. to the “Kołłątaja” stop, and then along their regular route. The existing “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11530) and “Rayskiego” stop (No. 12914) will be liquidated. “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop (No. 11330). located within Niepodleglości Avenue in front of Żołnierza Polskiego Square, and “Matejki” stop (No. 13112), located within Matejki St. past the intersection with  Malczewskiego St., will be opened instead.
      3. Line C buses will run along a shortened route to “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop (No. 11313), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of the intersection with Małopolska St. They will return along Małopolska St., Hołdu Pruskiego Square, Żołnierza Polskiego Square (Kwiatowa Avenue), Niepodległości Avenue to the “Brama Portowa” bus stop, and then along their regular route. The existing “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11532) will be liquidated.


      1. Line No. 522 buses:
        1. In the direction of the “Osiedle Kasztanowe” and "Dąbie Osiedle” termini, the buses will run along the existing route, but the traffic will be again diverted to the western carriageway of Wyzwolenia Avenue. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11535), will be located within Wyzwolenia Avenue, past Rodła Square. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11513), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of Rodła Square, will be liquidated.
        2. In the direction of “Warszewo” and “Rostocka” termini, from the “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop, buses will run along Małopolska St., left to the tram tracks, and along Matejki St., Malczewskiego St., Wyzwolenia Avenue to the “Rayskiego” stop, and then along their regular routes. The existing “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11532) will be liquidated. “Filharmonia” stop (No. 11412), located within the tram tracks, will be opened instead.


      1. In the direction of “Cukrowa” and “Przecław” termini, from the “Rayskiego” stop, line No. 523 buses will run along Wyzwolenia Avenue, Piłsudskiego St. to the “Plac Grunwaldzki” stop, and then along their regular route. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11543), located within Piłsudskiego St. past Rodła Square, will be opened. The existing Zajezdnia Golęcin – Plac Grunwaldzki route will be operated to the “Plac Rodła” stop.


      1. In the direction of “Pomorzany Dobrzyńska” terminus from the “Matejki” stop, line No. 524 buses will run along Malczewskiego St., Wyzwolenia Avenue, and Piłsudskiego St. to the “Plac Grunwaldzki” stop, and then along their regular route. The existing “Rayskiego” stop (No. 12941) will be liquidated. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11543), located within Piłsudskiego St. past Rodła Square, will be opened instead. 



      1. Line No. 529 buses will run along a shortened route to “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop (No. 11313), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of the intersection with Małopolska St.   They will return along Małopolska St., Hołdu Pruskiego Square, Żołnierza Polskiego Square (Kwiatowa Avenue), Niepodległości Avenue to the “Brama Portowa” bus stop, and then along their regular route. The existing “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11532) will be liquidated.
      2. Line No. 530 buses will run along the Podbórz – Plac Żonierza Polskiego route. The final stop, “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” (No. 11313), will be located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of the intersection with Małopolska Street. The buses will return along Małopolska St., left to the tram tracks, and along Matejki St., Malczewskiego St., and Wyzwolenia Avenue to the “Rayskiego” stop, and then along their regular routes. The existing “Plac Rodła” stops (No. 11513 and 11532) will be liquidated for both directions. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11535), in the direction of the “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” terminus, located within Wyzwolenia Avenue past Rodła Square, and “Filharmonia” stop (No. 11412) in the direction of the “Podbórz” terminus, located within the tram tracks, will be opened instead.


      1. In the direction of the “Osiedle Bukowe” terminus from the “Plac Grunwaldzki” stop, line No. 531 buses will run along Piłsudskiego St., Wyzwolenia Avenue, Żołnierza Polskiego Square, and Niepodległości Avenue, to the “Brama Portowa” stop, and then along their regular route. The existing stops, “Mazurska” (No. 18811) and “Plac Lotników” (No. 17851), will be liquidated. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11535), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue past Rodła Square,  and “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop (No. 11311), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of the Żołnierza Polskiego Square, will be opened instead.


      1. Line No. 532 buses:
        1. In the direction of the “Osiedle Bukowe” terminus, the buses will run along the existing route, but the traffic will be again diverted to the western carriageway of Wyzwolenia Avenue. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11535), will be located within Wyzwolenia Avenue, past Rodła Square. The “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11513), located within Wyzwolenia Avenue in front of Rodła Square, will be liquidated.
        2. In the direction of “Osów” and “Osiedle Arkońskie” termini, from the “Plac Żołnierza Polskiego” stop, buses will run along Małopolska St., left to the tram tracks, and along Matejki St., Malczewskiego St., Wyzwolenia Avenue to the “Rayskiego” stop, and then along their regular routes.  The existing “Plac Rodła” stop (No. 11532) will be liquidated. “Filharmonia” stop (No. 11412), located within the tram tracks, will be opened instead.

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