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      The calendar for the next sailing season has been announced!

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      The calendar for the next sailing season has been announced!

      As spring draws nearer, we are approaching the start of the next sailing season. Expect a fair range of sailing trips, courses and regatta races.

      Although the official inauguration of the sailing season at the Sailing Centre is due on 11 May, the marina in Przestrzenna Street is likely to keep busy until then. If the good weather continues, boats will be launched and training will move out of the building and into the water outdoors. Moving back to what the upcoming season has in store, we now know it will be quite busy. Between April and October, we will organise ten-odd training courses, regatta races, as well as sailing vacations, trips and camps.

      This year, the Sailing Centre is planning to hold as many as twelve Motorboat Helmsman license courses. The first one will take place on the weekend of 12–14 April.

      “The motorboating course is divided into theoretical and practical components. The former covers, among other subjects, motor yacht design, manoeuvring and the basics of piloting, legal regulations and water rescue. During practical classes, course participants will learn motor-yacht steering and operation, anchoring, berthing, crew management, basic sailing knots and essential manoeuvres such as casting off, quay landing, maintaining a straight-ahead course and circling,” said Celina Wołosz, Spokeswoman for the Sailing Centre.  

      Those who pass the Motorboat Helmsman examination receive a license to drive motor boats on inland waterways without length limitations, as well as motor yachts with a length of up to 12 m on inland maritime waters and other maritime waters two nautical miles from the coast during daytime.

      Weekend courses will offer extensive options of obtaining a yacht sailing license.  The courses are intended for adults and will be held on each weekend between May and October.

      “A yacht sailing license can also be obtained during day camps for young people. You need to be at least 14 years old, pass the exam and have your parents’ consent if you are underage,” Wołosz added. 

      Holders of a yacht sailing license may cruise on sailing yachts on inland waterways without length and sail-area limitations, and on sailing yachts up to 12 m in length on inland maritime waters and other maritime waters up to 2 nautical miles from the coast during daytime.

      On 11 May, we will officially start the sailing season and with it, the regatta racing season. This year, the Sailing Centre is planning to organise nine regatta races for the following classes: Optimist, Laser, Finn, Hans 303, 505 and keel yachts. In addition, our marina will host kayak polo players and radio-controlled yachts.

      Below is the 2024 season regatta calendar:


      Kayak Polo International Tournament

      10–12 May 2024

      Sailing Centre


      Magnolia Cup

      18–19 May 2024

      Sailing Centre


      Polish Championship Qualifiers for Classes IOM/F5E  and 10R/F5-10

      24–26 May 2024

      Sailing Centre


      Children’s Day Cup

      01–02 June 2024

      Sailing Centre


      Szczecin Fair Play

      26–28 July 2024

      Sailing Centre



      24–25 May 2024

      Sailing Centre


      Polish Junior and Youth Kayak Polo Championships

      06–08 September 2024

      Sailing Centre


      Regatta Races 505

      28-29 September 2024

      Sailing Centre


      Oderman Cup

      28–29 September 2024



      Nadzieja Sportu Regatta Races

      12–13 October 2024

      Sailing Centre


      The Tall Ships Races will be this season's biggest and most important regatta event, with three competitors from Poland: Dar Szczecina, Zryw and Urtica. Young sailors will compete in two stages:

      Stage 1 (22 June 2024 – 13 July 2024) Szczecin – Klaipėda (Lithuania) – Helsinki (Finland) – Tallin (Estonia)

      Stage 2 (13 July 2024 – 05 August 2024) Tallin (Estonia) – Turku (Finland) – Mariehamn (Åland Islands) – Szczecin

      “Crew recruitment for races will close on 29 February. To become a member of the Szczecin Sailing Team, you need to be at least 18 (your eighteenth birthday may not be later than on 20 June 2024), live, study or work in Poland, be resourceful, love challenges and have a conversational grasp of at least one foreign language,” said Celina Wołosz.  

      A lot will be going on also during summer break. We offer active day camps brimming with sporting attractions. Between 01 July and 23 August, we will organise five camps, each five days long and offering active outdoor recreation for kids. They are intended for children and teenagers aged 7 to 14. Campers will learn teamwork, spending time together playing games and having fun in the outdoors. Recruitment starts on 2 April 2024.

      For updates and information about the Sailing Centre, go to our website on, or visit us on Facebook – Centrum Żeglarskie.

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