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      Szczecin’s Participatory Budget 2023: Almost the last moment to submit your project proposal!

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Szczecin’s Participatory Budget 2023: Almost the last moment to submit your project proposal!

      We would like to just remind you that this year’s call for projects for the Szczecin Participatory Budget will continue until 30 June. We are waiting for your ideas

      Remember, there is over 17 million to manage. All you need to do is to have an idea for an investment project or action in the local or city-wide area, collect a minimum of 10 signatures on the support list and submit your proposal to the City Hall by the specified deadline. Each resident may submit an unlimited number of proposals.

      This year’s amount for Szczecin Participatory Budget projects is PLN 17,520,000.

      The projects can be:

      - city-wide – involving residents of more than one city district, with 30% of the funds allocated.

      - local – for which 70% of the funds are earmarked.

      The allocation of funds was distributed among 22 local areas.

      Applications can be submitted by 30 June 2022 (by 3:30 p.m.) by ELECTRONIC means by logging on to or traditionally by completing a paper application form and submitting it to the City Hall office or its branch.

      All information about the Szczecin Participatory Budget can be found on:

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