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      Szczecin Participatory Budget 2023: the community teams

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Szczecin Participatory Budget 2023: the community teams

      22 members of the Assessment Team and 5 members of the Appeals team of the Szczecin Participatory Budget (SBO) 2023 will soon start their work on this year’s projects.

      The main task of the team members will be to assess the SBO projects and approve the list to be voted on, as well as to consider the authors' appeals. The members of both teams, on a volunteering basis, will read the individual applications, which they will then assess during online meetings held on weekdays in the afternoon.

      The Assessment Team is composed of residents, representatives of NGOs, the City Youth Council and housing estate councils.

      The Appeals Team includes authors of the winning SBO projects and residents with experience in working in the Assessment Team from previous editions of SBO.

      More about community teams HERE:

      Here is a reminder: This year's pool included 41 city-wide and 177 local projects, counting in the projects submitted on paper. In the next step, the projects will be published on the website after their formal verification (STAGE I), where every resident of our city will be able to read them. Those which pass formal verification will be checked in terms of the plausibility of their implementation (substantive verification – STAGE II). Projects which pass the entire procedure and the community teams will proceed with their assessment (Stage III), after which they will be placed on the voting list. Residents will select the best projects later this year.

      This year's pool for the Szczecin Participatory Budget projects is PLN 17 520 000.

      More on SBO -

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