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      Szczecin Participatory Budget 2023: See this year’s ideas for Szczecin

      Robert Duchowski

      Robert Duchowski

      Szczecin Participatory Budget 2023: See this year’s ideas for Szczecin

      The residents’ projects submitted to the Szczecin Participatory Budget (SBO) can now be viewed. This year there are as many as 218 submitted projects and they have all been published on

      Most of them have passed formal verification, some require additions and modifications by the authors, while others have entered the substantive verification stage. Some have made it to the deliberations of the SBO Evaluation Community Team and, through it, to the voting list.

      “The verification process is complex and multi-stage, involving many municipal units”, explained Magdalena Błaszczyk, Director of the Office of Civil Dialogue. “Each project is different and evaluated individually. It is essential to check the feasibility of the submitted ideas and their compliance with current legislation and the city’s competences. We start by examining whether the applications have been submitted correctly, whether they contain all the necessary information and appendices, and whether the projects meet the requirement of being available to the general public. Further issues to be taken into account include the feasibility of the project in the location indicated by the author  or the correctness of the indicated costs. Any necessary changes to the projects are consulted with the applicants. Hence, at the verification stage, we cooperate intensively with the authors, the office and the community teams.”

      This year, Szczecin’s residents submitted 41 city-wide and 177 local projects. The projects which successfully passed formal verification will be subject to substantive verification. The projects that have successfully completed the entire procedure and have been approved by the community teams will be put on the voting list. Residents will then select the best ones to be implemented.

      This year’s pool of funds for the Szczecin Participatory Budget amounts to PLN 17,520,000.

      For more information about the Szczecin Participatory Budget, please visit

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