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      Szczecin has new Ambassadors

      Robert Duchowski

      Robert Duchowski

      Szczecin has new Ambassadors

      Marek Lickendorf and Andrzej Łazowski were honoured during a ceremonial session of the City Council. The respected doctor and the well-known photographer are this year’s awardees of the honorary title of Ambassador of Szczecin.

      - Thank you for awarding me this title and for noticing the treatment process. Children are our future, and they are increasingly getting sicker, which we often forget about, as there are now more talks about climate or pollution -  said Marek Lickendorf.

      Marek Lickendorf is a doctor of medical sciences and a neurosurgeon with 25 years of experience and outstanding achievements in the development of Polish medicine for children and adults. He is the co-founder of Poland’s most modern Paediatric Neurosurgery Clinical Ward at the Zdroje Hospital in Szczecin, and the founder and president of the “Angels like Elements” Foundation promoting rehabilitation of chronically-ill people in their natural environment.

      - This is a very important title for me. I will treat it both as an award and obligation to serve the city, and also as an impulse for further activities in the border area - said Andrzej Łazowski.

      For 30 years Andrzej Łazowski has been actively involved in the life of Szczecin’s artistic community and worked for the Polish-German integration. The subjects of his photographs include Szczecin, West Pomerania and the border area. He has been the originator of the “Remembrance Tree” project at the Central Cemetery. His works also include many publications carried out in cooperation with NGOs from Poland and Germany.

      During the ceremony, Medals of Merit for the City were also awarded to Stefania Biernat, Dr Basil Baran,  and Prof Ryszard Wilk.

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