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      Szczecin expresses its solidarity with Ukraine

      Robert Duchowski

      Robert Duchowski

      Szczecin expresses its solidarity with Ukraine

      A meeting devoted to the situation in Ukraine was held at the City Office.

      In reply to Mayor Piotr Krzystek’s invitation, the meeting was attended by

      - Henryk Kołodziej, Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Szczecin,

      - Jan Syrnyk, the Szczecin branch of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland,

      - Rev. Paweł Stefanowski, Parish Priest of St. Nicholas Church in Szczecin,

      - Katerina Zavizhenets,  ‘Mi-Gracja’ Association

      - Krzysztof Soska, Deputy Mayor of Szczecin, and

      - Szczepan Stempiński, Mayor's Plenipotentiary for Security.

      The meeting participants discussed the situation in Ukraine in relation to the armed attack of Russia. They talked about possible forms of assistance and support, both for Ukrainian nationals who remained in their country, but also for the refugees who may come to Szczecin as well.

      The Szczecin branch of the Union of Ukrainians in Poland is raising funds and calling for support from anyone willing to contribute. Account No.

      20 1090 1492 0000 0001 4312 2731, with an annotation “for the injured” (“dla rannych”) or “for children” (dla dzieci”) in the transfer title.

      “Our thoughts go to Ukraine. We already have information about casualties and Ukrainian citizens fleeing their country, uncertain about their fate. Our task is to prepare for various scenarios in the best way possible. The City of Szczecin is ready to help. The form and scale of the support will be chosen in close collaboration with the Government,” said Piotr Krzystek, Mayor of Szczecin.

      “In these extraordinary circumstances, I would like to appeal to all employers who employ Ukrainian nationals to show support and far-reaching understanding in these difficult moments,” said Henryk Kołodziej, Honorary Consul of Ukraine in Szczecin.

      We would also like to inform you that an anti-war demonstration will be held today in Solidarności Square, at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Piotr Krzystek will be one of the attendees.

      Ukrainian flags have been placed in the windows of the Mayor’s office as a sign of solidarity.

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