SPB 2025: The call for projects has been launched

Marta Kufel

Proposals for the Szczecin Participatory Budget can submitted starting from 20 February 2024. Residents will have until 20 March, 3 p.m., to put forward their ideas.
Let’s recapitulate: this is the second edition of SPB in which residents can submit their ideas in two categories: local projects (in 22 areas) and “Green SPB”. As in previous years, submissions can be made for both physical and “soft” projects (e.g. events, community actions, meetings). You only need to get a minimum of ten signatures on your support list and submit the project within the deadline (www.sbo.szczecin.eu). Each resident may submit an unlimited number of proposals.
“70% of the total funding will be set aside for local projects, while the remaining 30% will be allocated for ‘Green SPB’ – projects aimed at the protection of the city’s natural environment. No Green SPB project may cost more than 50% of all the SPB funding allocated for Green SPB projects,” said Sylwia Cyza-Słomska from the City Information Centre.
Projects approved by the City Hall will be considered by a council comprising representatives of NGOs, housing estate councils, residents and representatives of municipal entities. Appeals from authors of rejected projects will be considered by a commission comprised of representatives of the Complaints, Applications and Petitions Committee of the City Council and authors of projects that were selected in previous editions of the SPB.
“This year’s pool of money for Szczecin Participatory Budget projects is PLN 17,200,000 (of which the Green SBO – PLN 5,160,000, local projects – PLN 12,040,000),” Sylwia Cyza-Słomska added.
Important! Project submission can be done via www.sbo.szczecin.eu. Individuals who need support, or have no computer or Internet access, can use the help of employees of the Civic Dialogue Office (within office hours) by phoning 91 424 51 05, or the SPB Academy: phone number 602 434 633 (Monday to Friday 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.).
More information: www.sbo.szczecin.eu