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      SBO 2024: Submit your project and transform Szczecin!

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      SBO 2024: Submit your project and transform Szczecin!

      The call for projects has been launched as part of the Szczecin Participatory Budget 2023, including a new element, “The Green SBO”. Find out what kind of projects can be submitted this year.

      Construction projects, activities, or perhaps projects related to the city’s natural environment? All you need is to create a concept, collect 10 signatures on the support list and make a submission at The call lasts until 13 April 2023 3 p.m.

      This year’s pool of money for Szczecin Participatory Budget projects is PLN 17,200,000 (of which the Green SBO – PLN 5,160,000, local projects – PLN 12,040,000).


      All the submitted projects  can be carried out in areas owned by the municipality or housing cooperatives. In the case of areas not owned by the City, it is required to submit a statement of the real property's owner or administrator confirming their intent to lend it for use for the purposes of the proposed SBO project. If the project requires institutional cooperation, a consent for the task will be needed. 

      Useful tip: Project authors can easily check whether their chosen location is acceptable by using the Geoportal maps. On this basis they can identify the number and cadastral district of the plot of interest and check whether an SBO project can be implemented there. You just need to selected the layer:

      - Areas recommended for the Green SBO


      - Municipality property – participatory budget.

      What do green projects include?

      The amount allocated to “The Green SBO” accounts for 30% of the 2024 Participatory Budget. The value of an individual task submitted in this category may not exceed 50% of the entire pool of funds designated for the Green SBO. This means that the maximum value of a single green project is PLN 2,580,000. 

      The new SBO Rules and Regulations lay down the objectives to be met by the Green SBO projects. Below are examples of activities meeting the specific objectives:

      Examples of activities to improve the condition and increase the volume of green areas:

      - building a pocket park;

      - planting climbing plants on acoustic screens or walls of public buildings;

      - planting a green roof on an existing building;

      - planting flower meadows on, e.g., on tram turning circles, in buffer strips;

      - designing and building shelters for pollinating insects;

      - creating rain gardens and other forms of small scale water retention.

      Examples of activities in the field of the sustainable use of natural resources:

      - building educational trails;

      - making information boards on the natural resources of a given area;

      - installing devices encouraging the use of the outdoors – gyms, springboards, etc.;

      - building paths/routes to green areas with difficult access.

      Examples of activities aimed at increasing the role of the green infrastructure in mitigating the effects of climate change:

      - implementing solutions in green areas that promote water retention, e.g. supplying water to green areas from existing reservoirs, creating reservoirs for small-scale retention to supply public greenery with water;

      - increasing the area of greenery in areas of high-density development, e.g. creating green bus stops, - creating green façades of public buildings.

      Examples of measures to counteract the negative effects of climate change:

      - public photovoltaic/wind farm;

      - construction of micro power generation units to power public facilities;

      - reuse of water and creation of a network of water curtains during summer periods located in a way corresponding to the focal points of the city;

      - redevelopment of traffic routes with the provision of water supply for green areas.

      More information:

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