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      Municipal WEEE Collection Points launched

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Municipal WEEE Collection Points launched

      Devices intended for the disposal of waste electrical and electronic equipment were placed in three locations in Szczecin

      Municipal WEEE Collection Points were in the group of winning projects implemented as part of the Szczecin Participatory Budget. The devices are located on the corner of Okulickiego and Kingi St., Gierosa Roundabout (from the pond side) and at 26 Kwietnia St. near Nowy Turzyn. 

      The machines are intended for the collection of small waste electrical and electronic equipment, divided by various types: light bulbs, batteries, small electronics (phones, chargers), CDs, and used toners. They can be thrown into one of seven tubes with a capacity of 33 litres each. The Municipal WEEE Collection Points are made of high quality steel and their parts are made of stainless steel. Their cost is nearly PLN 72,000.

      Please be reminded that waste electrical and electronic equipment is covered by separate waste collection scheme, and such items must not be placed in mixed waste containers. They are not classified as bulk waste as well. Both the small and large WEEE items can be handed over in Ekoport separate waste collection sites. 

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