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      International Szczecin Sailing Awards granted

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      International Szczecin Sailing Awards granted

      The new winners of International Szczecin Sailing Awards have been announced. Nine new prize-winners joined this renowned group.

      The International Szczecin Sailing Awards were granted for the eighth time. Over the years, more than 60 awards were granted, including the Ludomir Mączka Award received by Captains Wojciech Jacobson, Henryk Widera, Maciej Krzeptowski, Jerzy Andrzej Knabe, Jerzy Radomski, Jerzy Szwoch, and Zygmunt Kowalski.

      “We are meeting on this occasion for the eighth time, and I am happy that so many representatives of the sailing world have come here. I would like to congratulate all nominees and prize-winners,” said Piotr Krzystek, Mayor of Szczecin, at the Gala on Saturday. “Szczecin has natural ties with sailing and its history. We can boast numerous achievements, not only in professional sailing, represented by Agnieszka Skrzypulec who is here with us today. I am glad that the sport-related efforts we are taking here in Szczecin are yielding good results. We also have representations featuring persons with disabilities, guided by Marek Lickendorf, M.D., who provides them with the opportunity to experience sailing. We have a lot of regatta, events, and cruises. We are ahead of a year marked by sailing, as we are about to host the greatest sail ships in the world again, during the finale of the Tall Ships Races. The upgrade of quays that have been taken over recently and the reinstatement of their representative function will be the final touch. We are actively investing in the development of sailing in Szczecin.”

      The awards were granted in nine categories. The Awards Chapter selected 27 nominees from 71 submissions, including the laureates. The prize-winners received commemorative diplomas and statues. In addition, the winner of the Captain Ludomir Mączka Award was granted a check for PLN 10 000, and Ludomir Mączka’s “attributes” (a bottle of Chilean wine, garlic, and yerba mate). And here are the winners:

      Sailor of the Year
      Agnieszka Skrzypulec-Szota

      For winning the Women’s Sailing Polish Championship in Sopot, and the 505 European Championship in Quiberon, France, with Holger Jess, and very good results in domestic and international regatta, representing Yacht Klub Polski Szczecin.

      The Cruise of the Year –  the Wyszak Award  

      Cruise to Greenland, s/y Thyme, Captain Piotr Maras

      For the organisation and holding of an Arctic cruise to Greenland on sailing yacht “Wild Thyme” , calling at ports in Denmark, Norway, and Iceland together with a group of Szczecin-based yacht skippers and sailors. 

      As part of the cruise, the sailors crossed the Arctic Circle and went beyond the latitude of 71o N.

      Regatta Competitor of the Year – the Captain Kazimierz Kuba Jaworski Award

      Jakub Guźlecki

      For an excellent 2023 sailing season and numerous regatta achievements in IQ FOIL Junior class, including the fourth place in European Championships, eighth position in World Championships, third in Sprint Polish Championships, second in Long-Distance Polish Championships, and third place in the Polish Yachting Association Cup.

      Sailing Promoter – The Captain Kazimierz Haska Award

      Katarzyna Wolnik-Sayna

      For promoting Polish sailing on the radio, including in a programme entitled “Radio School under the Sails”, and for organising a number of meetings with famous sailors as part of the “Żaglonauci” (Sailonauts) project.      

      Sailing Event of the Year

      ILCA6 Youth and Men’s World Championships

      For organising the ILCA6 Youth and Men’s World Championships in Dziwnów and for promoting top-level Polish and international sailing.

      Umbriaga the Cat Award

      Stefan Geszke

      For a talented young regatta sailor, competing in Optimist B class and for his regatta achievements – third place in the Optimist Championships under 11 organised by the Polish Optimist Association (Polskie Stowarzyszenie Klasy Optimist), ninth position in the 2023 PSKO Polish Cup ranking and first place in the boys’ group as part of the Inter-Province Junior Championships.

      The Instructor of the Year –  the Teodor Czarnecki Award  

      Robert Siluk

      For outstanding achievements in training young regatta sailing enthusiasts and for their achievements in Laser Standard Polish Championships, Junior Polish Championships, Match Polish Championships, Ekstraklasa Żeglarska top sailing league, and other regatta in the 2023 sailing season, including the first place awarded to Tadeusz Kubiak in the Laser Standard ILCA7 Polish Championships, and Filip Jarosiewicz’s first place in the Youth Polish Championships and Junior Polish Championships.

      Special Sailing Award

      “Bałtyk 100” Expedition

      To Commander Piotr Owczarski and his crew – for a canoeing cruise along the Polish sea shore to commemorate the 100th anniversary of Polish independence, along a route from Świnoujście to Krynica Morska, and for sailing 480 kilometres on the waters of the Baltic Sea in 19 days.    

      The Ludomir Mączka Award

      Mirosław Lewiński   

      For being faithful to the idea of free sailing on seas and oceans in search for friendship and uncharted terrains. For outstanding sailing achievements, including the cruise around the world on “Ulysses” yacht in 2010-2014, sailing along the trail of Władysław Wagner, and for showing young sailing trainees the way beyond the horizon towards the great waters.

      The Saturday Gala was also a great opportunity to integrate the sailing circles.

      “The invited guests featured sailors, club members, people representing the maritime sector, representatives of private and public enterprises, and local government officials,” said Celina Wołosz, Spokesperson of the Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia company.

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