Immerse yourself in Szczecin’s waterfront
Marta Kufel
The coming summer will be a perfect opportunity to go on a trip around Szczecin and its surroundings. We recommend visiting the waterfront and taking advantage of the tourist infrastructure waiting for you there.
Whether we choose bicycles, kayaks or hiking, we can be sure that Szczecin and its environs will dazzle us with their beauty. In fact, this is the best time to visit Szczecin’s waterfront.
“We’d like to remind everyone that our amenities and infrastructure are ready to make your trips even more appealing,” said Celina Wołosz, spokesperson of the Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia company.
Wandering around aquatic plants you can discover new leads, visit hidden areas around the water, sail to Umbriaga’s Land, the Sargasso Sea, Medusostan, Svante and the Cape of the Four Skeletons.
Going off on a water trip, install the Explore Oder app which will guide you around and provide a convenient map of the explored area.
“It features routes around the Międzyodrze area, Lake Dąbie and Szczecin. The routes are from 5 to 20 km long and involve the most interesting sites,” Celina Wołosz added.
When on the water, you can plan your rest in one of the 9 backwater spots featuring jetties and places to moor and rest.
Wydrnik (Snake Canal) – constructed in the Wydrnik Canal area in the southern part of Radolin Island. It can accommodate up to 5 sailing or motor yachts and 5 fishing boats or kayaks.
Głębia – located on the Święta River, in the southern part of Dębinka Island. It can accommodate up to 5 sailing or motor yachts and 5 fishing boats or kayaks.
Kwadrat – a small canal which was constructed probably in the Middle Ages between Radolin Island and Dębinka Island. It was used by Germany for the covert production of Uboots during World War II. The project is located in the area of the Święta River, in the southern part of Dębinka Island. It can accommodate up to 5 sailing or motor yachts and 10 fishing boats or kayaks.
Orły – located in the estuary of the Święta River where it enters Lake Dąbie, in the northern part of the Dębinka Island. It can accommodate up to 5 sailing or motor yachts and 5 fishing boats or kayaks.
Jeziorna - located in the area of Sadlińskie Łęgi near Jeziorna Street, about 200 m from the estuary of the Chełszcząca Stream to Lake Dąbie. It is meant for kayakers, cyclists and roller skaters. It can accommodate up to 4 kayaks.
Płońska Kępa - located in the waterside, bankside area of the Płońska Kępa Spit. Not accessible from land. For people moving around in small vessels – mainly kayakers. The equipment includes a mooring platform perpendicular to the current, a table with seats and a roof, an information board, a memorial board, navigation and information signage, a water ladder. It can accommodate up to 8 kayaks.
Sadlińskie Łęgi – located near the banks of Dąbie Lake, in the northernmost Sadlińskie Łęgi Spit. Not accessible from land. For people moving around in very small vessels – kayakers. The equipment includes a mooring platform perpendicular to the current, an access platform, a leisure platform, a table with seats and a roof, an information board, a memorial board, navigation and information signage, a water ladder. It can accommodate up to 8 kayaks.
Trzebuskie Łęgi – located in the northern part of the Sadlińskie Łęgi area, near the administrative border of Szczecin with the Goleniów Municipality. It is meant for kayakers, cyclists and roller skaters. It can accommodate up to 8 kayaks.
Chełszcząca – located in the area of Sadlińskie Łęgi near the levee, about 200m north of the estuary of the Chełszcząca Stream to Lake Dąbie. It is meant for both kayakers and cyclists. It can accommodate up to 8 kayaks.
“Remember to keep the spot clean before you leave,” Celina Wołosz stressed. “I am addressing both people coming from the water and hikers/cyclists who use the backwaters located along the cycling routes. These spots are ideal for rest and help keep people safe, so please leave the life belts and other equipment where they are.
The Explore Oder app also shows us ready bicycle routes from Szczecin around Lake Dąbskie and as far as to the Lower Oder Valley Landscape Park and even cross-border routes. If we decide to stay in the city, then it’s a great idea to go on a walk with the Explore Szczecin app, which provides 10 walk scenarios with an audio guide.
Both the app and the waterside areas are available free of charge. The apps are available from Google Play and App Store.