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      Розпочався купальний сезон 2023

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Розпочався купальний сезон 2023

      Outdoor film screenings, deck chairs and popcorn - this can mean only one, another season of Deck Chair Cinema is about to begin again in Szczecin. The first screening will take place on 29 June, in Jakuba Wujka Square. The leitmotif of this year’s edition is truth.

      it is a deficit commodity in the world which has accelerated greatly recently. People are searching for the truth nowadays, and the organisers of the Deck Chair Cinema have provided viewers with the opportunity to commune with the truth in many ways. During the ten summer screenings, there will be plenty of conspiracies, trouble, intrigues, accompanied by friendship, dreams and happy endings.

      The first screening is planned to take place on 29 June, in Jakuba Wujka Sq. (10:00 p.m.), and it will include an animated film “Sing” from 2016. Further screening will be held on 6 July in Orła Białego Sq. (9:30 p.m.), on 13 July on the Świt Skolwin pitch (9:30 p.m.), on 20 July at the Dąbie bathing site (9:30 p.m.), and on 27 July in the park at Taczaka St. (9:30 p.m.) The first film in August will be screened on 3 August in a square at Fioletowa St. on the Bukowe Housing Estate, followed by further screenings on 10 August in Chopin Park (9:00 p.m.), on 24 August near Netto Arena (9:00 p.m.) and on 31 August at Kolonistów St. (9:00 p.m.) The last screening concluding this year’s series will be held on 7 September near Lake Słoneczne (8:30 p.m.).

      The listing is a secret for now, but we have prepared a film game on our Facebook page for the viewers. The person to guess the greatest number of film titles we can expect this year as part of the event will receive  a prize. It is an invitation for two persons for all screenings this year. Two deck chairs and popcorn will be available to the winner every time.

      The details of the event are available on

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