ПОДАРУЙ ЧАШКУ! - збір чашок для дітей

Marta Kufel

As interest is not waning, from now on it’s easier to apply for a motorman course.
Tram driver courses at Tramwaje Szczecińskie (Szczecin Tram Company) still attract great interest, and the company has decided to simplify the application procedure. From now on, potential candidates no longer need to submit a CV. All they have to do is fill in a simple application form at https://kursmotorniczego.ts.szczecin.pl/. The recruitment section of Tramwaje Szczecińskie will then contact each candidate, set the date, and determine the terms and conditions of the course on an individual basis.
“The ongoing tram driver course is attended by 19 people,” said Kacper Reszczyński, Spokesperson at Tramwaje Szczecińskie. “Once it ends and the exam is passed, new tram drivers will commence work at the start of the upcoming year”.
The next course is bound to start on 4 December this year. Course contracts have already been concluded with sixteen candidates, and the application procedure will continue until 28 November.
What does the course involve?
The course to prepare for the tram driving exam includes 77 hours of theoretical classes and 60 hours of practical classes (according to the schedules agreed individually). The whole course takes 10 days, from Monday through Friday, over a two-week period, from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm.
Since August this year, interest in tram driver courses has been growing steadily. Twelve people passed the most recent tram driving exam. Next year, Tramwaje Szczecińskie is planning to launch further courses.