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      Електроенергія зі сміття живитиме щецінські електробуси

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Електроенергія зі сміття живитиме щецінські електробуси

      The Youth Palace has launched a collection campaign under the slogan: DONATE A MUG!

      “We are collecting mugs for children from Ukraine who found shelter at the SZAFIR Conference and Leisure Centre in Moryń in March 2022”, said Monika Wilczyńska from the Youth Palace.

      They are a group of 109 Ukrainian children from an orphanage in Guliaypol near Zaporozhye, with their guardians. They were all evacuated straight from the war zone. On site, the children receive all-day board, accommodation and medical care. Support is provided by associations, institutions, organisations and donors. However, the needs are not diminishing.

      Given the normal wear and tear, various items are needed, including MUGS used during meals.

      If you have mugs at home that you don’t use, donate them to the Ukrainian children! They will certainly use them.

      Where can you bring mugs?
      To the Youth Palace reception desk, 7 Piastów Avenue in Szczecin, during opening hours.


      How long will the collection campaign last?
      Until 15 December 2023 (Friday)


      What mugs are we collecting?
      Undamaged ceramic mugs for warm drinks.

      Information about the children staying at the facility in Moryń:

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