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    Explore Szczecin App

    Katarzyna Jackowska

    Katarzyna Jackowska

    Explore Szczecin App

    Google Play | App Store

    With the ExploreSzczecin app, you can tour Szczecin like a local guide!

    With the audio guide feature, you'll discover the unknown charms and secrets of the 'City of the Griffin' and learn about the most interesting stories. Whether you're a tourist or a resident, you'll easily find the most fascinating monuments, museums, parks, and other attractions. It will be a fascinating journey :)

    - ExploreSzczecin precisely points out the places worth visiting.

    - You can choose one of the prepared routes and explore the city within thoughtful, fascinating suggestions.

    - When you're near an interesting place, the app will automatically start a description read by a narrator. The narrator will tell the story of the object, showing its significance and trivia.

    - You can also use practical links or connect with the Tourist Information Center.

    The application was implemented as part of the "Szczecin City Trail" project funded by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund (Small Projects Fund under the Interreg VA Cooperation Program Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania / Brandenburg / Poland in the Pomerania Euroregion).

    Download in App Store (iOS)

    Download in Google Play (Android)


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