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      Szczecin Participatory Budget (SPB) 2024: Below is the list of winning projects.

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Szczecin Participatory Budget (SPB) 2024: Below is the list of winning projects.

      33 projects will be carried out as part of this year’s Szczecin Participatory Budget, thanks to the residents’ votes. Congratulations to the winners and thank you for every vote you have cast.

      This year, the residents could choose from 149 proposals, including 124 local projects and 25 projects in the “Green SPB” category which is new to this year’s edition. In total, more than 26,000 people took part in the voting, casting more than 50,000 votes. The SPB 2024 funding pool is PLN 17,200,000, with 30% for “Green SPB” projects and 70% for local projects.

      “The projects carried out as part of the SPB cover exceptional investments and activities that the residents themselves stand behind”,  said Piotr Krzystek, Mayor of the City. “Their prominence is that they respond to local needs, from major developments to small-scale amenities. Together they deliver a truly exceptional value”.

      New rules

      In accordance with the recommendations of the City Councillors and the provisions of the new SPB regulations (resolution of the City Council), the projects that received the highest numbers of votes in their categories will be implemented one by one until the funding pool is exhausted. This means that if the budget of the winning project does not exhaust the pool in a given area, the next project on the list, whose valuation falls within the remaining amount, will have a chance to be implemented.


      This year, there was a tie in the Niebuszewo area: two projects came first by receiving the highest and equal numbers of votes. According to the rules of the procedure, the project that will enter the list of winners will be decided by a draw which will be held during a meeting of the Participatory Budget Council.


      The Green SPB category:

      - “Course Up North – green estate sites – Niebuszewo, Warszewo, Bukowo, Żelechowa and Golęcino Gocław”

      - Trees for Szczecin

      - Brodowski Pond – construction of a “winter garden” and renaturalisation of the pond

      Voting in the individual local areas was also concluded:

      Skolwin, Stołczyn, Bukowo:

      – Grandstand for fans of the Świt Szczecin Academy and visiting teams, and modernisation of the sports facility on Stołczyńska Street

      Warszewo, Osów:

      – Jaworowy Pond ‒ a friendly place on Podbórzańska Street

      Głębokie-Pilchowo, Krzekowo-Bezrzecze, Zawadzkiego-Klonowica:

      – Our home – a place for neighbourhood meetings in Krzekowo-Bezrzecze


      – Safe and illuminated pedestrian crossings on Wiosny Ludów and Chopina Streets

      Golęcino-Gocław, Żelechowa:

      – Playground and recreation area at Małe Błonia


      – Multi-functional sports ground on the premises of Primary School No. 11 on 39 Dubois Street


      – Science and movement playground on the premises of Primary School No.  41 in Szczecin


      – Intergenerational Centre of Identity, History and Culture of Pogoń Szczecin fans “Sztorm”


      – Construction of lighting for pedestrian and cycle paths, and the carriageway from Cukrowa Street to Rajkow.

      – Zadumy Square in the Central Cemetery


      – Installation of lighting – Tenisowa Street

      – Shine a light with a reflector


      – Deconcreting of the Youth Palace area


      – Dream sports ground – recreation and sports for the local community

      – Children’s Day in the City Centre

      Śródmieście-Północ, Łękno:

      – Water feeder for people and pets at Jasne Błonia

      – Excuse me! Whose sculpture is this? Creation of information boards for statues and monuments in the area of Śródmieście-Północ and Łękno

      – Improving pedestrian safety by installing radars with speed displays along Wyzwolenia Avenue

      – Mom and Me – Self-defence training


      – Green Centre – more plant pots on the streets in the Downtown

      – Little Rainbow Theatre – a series of events showcasing queer culture

      – Air quality display board


      – Following 4paws – an electric car for animals living in the shelter

      Old Town, New Town, Międzyodrze-Pucka Island:

      – Construction of a playground and senior citizens’ area on Potulicka Street

      Żydowce-Klucz, Podjuchy, Zdroje:

      – Bukowa Forest (southern) stop

      Dąbie, Załom-Kasztanowe:

      – Modernisation of the footpaths in the Dąbie cemetery

      Słoneczne, Majowe:

      – Additional activities for kindergarten children in the public kindergartens in Słoneczne and Majowe


      – Green and safe Bukowe-Klęskowo

      Płonia-Śmierdnica-Jezierzyce, Kijewo, Wielgowo-Sławociesze-Zdunowo:

      – Revitalisation of the “Our Ocean” pond in Szczecin-Płonia

      There was a tie at Niebuszewo (to be resolved through a draw) between the following two projects:

      – Improving safety on Tomaszowska Street

      – Intergenerational recreation zones in the Pomeranian Dukes housing estate.

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