Szczecin Illuminations 2023 – where magic happens

Marta Kufel

Five unique installations in Szczecin's centre, a magically transformed Lotników Square, floating magnolias and an atmospherically enhanced Żeromski Park – witness magic during the fifth edition of Szczecin Illuminations.
On 14 August, some parts of Szczecin will get a whole new look. The evening will see some popular streets, building façades and parks change beyond recognition. Under the veil of night, the lights, colours and music will stimulate the imagination of people walking the streets of Szczecin, transporting them into another world – the world of lights.
For the fifth edition of the Szczecin Illuminations Festival, we have invited local artists, light designers and visual artists, who will put together five light installations. Their design will allude to Szczecin’s history and identity, featuring elements of nature and greenery, as well as some marine motifs.
City Hall building’s illumination
The façade of the “Spinach Palace” will be adorned with flowery illuminations inspired by Szczecin's flora. The illuminations will be projected onto two wings of the building to show motifs of plants that are well-known to Szczecin's residents: magnolias, crocuses, roses and giant onions.
The work has been authored by Multidekor – the Polish leader in light decorations.
Location: Szczecin City Hall’s building, Armii Krajowej Square
Szymborska's “Shadow”
This light project is a tribute to Wisława Szymborska on her 100th birthday. The illumination will depict the late poet's image along with fragments of her works. The projection will also be accompanied by recitations of Szymborska’s poems delivered by Teatr Polski actors and Grażyna Szapołowska, among others.
Location: Parody Śródmieście, ul. Wielkopolska 19
Bringing the sea closer to Szczecin
This light installation has been conceived by students from the Academy of Art in Szczecin who are passionate about CGI, illustration, comic and animation arts, and computer games. The project will comprise a six-metre sea serpent at the Monument of Sailor, and a number of other decorations, including glowing sea jellies. Sea shanties will be playing in the background.
Location: Monument of Sailor, al. Jana Pawła II
Inevitable transformation? Under the safe umbrella of nature
Designed by Szczecin-based Floral Concept Store, the light installation of the “Pod Żółtą Różą” (“Under the Yellow Rose”) flower shop has captured people's imagination last year.
This year's work combines floral decorations with elements symbolising the world of technology to reflect the contemporary state of mankind, suspended between the world of nature to which it belongs and the world of artificial intelligence.
Location: Adamowicz Square (at the junction of Al. Jana Pawła II, Al. Wyzwolenia and Al. Niepodległości).
Hunger for Life
This interactive installation has been conceived by Poland's best-known street artist – Piotr Pauk (aka Lump), who has found his haven in Szczecin. It will be a two-part project. The first part comprises steel letters from the dismantled signboard of “ZAKŁAD USŁUG ŻEGLUGOWYCH” (“WATERBORNE SERVICES COMPANY”). The letters are arranged into a new slogan that alludes to Szczecin’s history and opens up a space for reflection. The other element will be a weight swing made from traffic lights that will activate when the swing moves.
Location: Solidarity Square
In addition to the five above-mentioned projects, the event will feature other light attractions. When walking along Fountain Avenue, strollers will feast their eyes on floating magnolias and “make-a-wish” lanterns crafted at summer workshops and play centres. Lotników Square will get a new look as well, with an illuminated playground full of fairy-tale characters. There will also be an opportunity to go on a unique bike ride with BikeS. Starting from 9 p.m., ten specially illuminated bikes will be available for rental from the Pomnik Mickewicza-Szczerbcowa station.
During the night of 14–15 August, all roads will lead to the Żeromski Park, the heartland of the illuminated Szczecin. Strollers will be soaking up the atmosphere created by ten light installations set up between park alleys. Special maps and illuminated signposts will be provided to help visitors navigate the park and make sure they do not miss any attractions. In addition, the section along Plantowa Street will have a Street Food Zone. Tucked between the trees, there will also be the Disco Zone with a green “dance floor” and a Chillout Zone with deckchairs and beer stands.
For updates and details, go to our website on or follow the event on Facebook – Iluminacje Szczecin 2023.