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      Mind the residential scammers

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Mind the residential scammers

      The scammers, claiming to have connections in ZBiLK, offer to buy public flats. We urge caution and vigilance.


      Two individuals who fell victim to scammers and lost several thousand zlotys contacted the Board of Municipal Buildings and Premises in Szczecin (ZBiLK). They were offered the possibility of buying a public flat “through connections”. Forged documents with the ZBiLK logo were also used. Unfortunately, the scammers relied on unawareness and credulity.


      We urge caution and increased vigilance with a reminder that:


      - ZBiLK does not sell public housing,


      - ZBiLK rents out public housing. All offers of such premises are available in the office of ZBiLK at 25 Mariacka Street or on the website:, under the tab “Rent a flat”,


      - the whole procedure, i.e. submission of documents and signing of contracts, takes place in the office of ZBiLK,


      - ZBiLK employees do not handle formalities outside the unit’s premises and do not request that money be transferred to private accounts.


      The sale of flats owned by the City or by Szczecin TBS is conducted in the form of public tenders. The current portfolio of units and details of their sale can be found on the following website:


      Anyone who has been the victim of a crime or has experienced such an attempt should report the incident to the police.


      In the event of any doubts, it is always possible to contact the ZBiLK on: 91 48 86 352

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