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      Maintenance break at Floating Arena

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Maintenance break at Floating Arena

      The water level in the 50-m swimming pool of the Szczeciński Dom Sportu complex is dropping inch by inch. The pool is being emptied as part of the annual maintenance break.

      It is a standard procedure that takes place every summer. The swimming pool will be closed for several weeks.

      “Once the pool is emptied and dried, the necessary repairs and minor maintenance work will be done,” said Dariusz Sadowski from the City Information Centre. “Afterwards, the pool will be cleaned and disinfected, and then refilled (which will take a couple of days). 

      Next, it will be tested by the sanitary authorities and if the results are good, they will issue an approval for the pool to be re-opened. Floating Arena’s re-opening is scheduled to take place on 24 August 2024 (Saturday).

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