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      Breaking news: for the first time ever, BikeS available during winter

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      Breaking news: for the first time ever, BikeS available during winter

      The year 2022 will go down in the history of Szczecin’s city bike. Not only because the 4th generation BikeS has launched. But also because it will operate in winter as well.

      In previous years, 30 November was the last day of the season. On that day, hundreds of bicycles were going down to the depot for their winter sleep. From this year, BikeS will be open non-stop. This is the result of demands from some BikeS users for the system to operate continuously, not just in spring, summer and autumn.

      “Because of the fact that together with decreasing temperatures, the number of rentals gets smaller, there will be slightly fewer bikes available to BikeS users in winter”, said Wojciech Jachim spokesperson for NiOL. “Approximately 600 vehicles are on the streets of Szczecin during the high season. In winter, the BikeS selection will be reduced to between 300 and 400 units, depending on the actual demand”.

      And how should you dress for cycling in winter?

      In cold temperatures, especially when combined with stronger winds, the hands, head and face are particularly vulnerable to chill. That is why, in addition to other pieces of clothing, it is worth considering wearing gloves, a hat and, in super wintry conditions, something to cover your mouth and nose. This could be a scarf, a balaclava or a neoprene mask. The only weather-related contraindications for cycling are glaze, ice and snow. In such conditions, cycling is not a good option because of the risk of falling.

      The 4th generation BikeS launched on 1 March. To date, it has achieved 265,000 rentals. It has 19,000 registered users.

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