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      BikeS to enter the Dobra Szczecińska Commune

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      BikeS to enter the Dobra Szczecińska Commune

      An agreement has been signed for the inclusion of four stop zones in the Dobra Szczecińska Communes into the BikeS urban bike system.

      Two zones will be created in Mierzyn, one in Wołczkowo and one in Bezrzecze. As part of the agreement, NiOL will expand its bicycle fleet by adding 30 new bikes bearing the Dobra Szczecińska Commune coat of arms. The agreement will enter into force on 1 July and will remain valid until the end of the year. The Dobra Szczecińska Commune will pay the NiOL company 123 thousand zlotys for its execution.

      Locations of the stop zones in the Dobra Szczecińska Commune:

      - Wołczkowo ‒ the roundabout

      - Bezrzecze ‒ the parking space at Górna Street

      - Mierzyn ‒ the library

      - Mierzyn ‒ the school

      “The underlying objective of the agreement with Dobra is to improve air quality and to promote a healthy lifestyle”, said Radosław Kanarek, President of NiOL. “I think it’s an interesting offer for the residents of both the Dobra Szczecińska Commune and Szczecin. Many people from the Dobra Szczecińska Commune work or study in Szczecin, while those from Szczecin visit the Commune for leisure purposes. I hope that the city bike will prove an attractive alternative to private cars for both these groups”.

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