Ambassador of Szczecin 2023. You can already nominate your candidate

Marta Kufel

Applications are now being accepted for this year’s “Ambassador of Szczecin” honorary title.
Until 31 May this year, nominations will be accepted for individuals (or groups of people) whose achievements have contributed to building a positive image of Szczecin in Poland and abroad. Candidates can also be institutions or movable objects such as vehicles, ships, sailing vessels, etc., whose operations and reputation help promote Szczecin.
Candidates can be nominated by natural persons with full legal capacity other than members of the Jury, legal persons and organisational units without legal personality which enjoy statutory legal capacity.
To nominate a candidate, use the form available on the City Office website and in the information section of the City Council’s Customer Service Office.
A completed form can be sent by post to the following address: Szczecin City Hall, 1 Armii Krajowej Square, 70-456 Szczecin, or emailed to:
Together with the acceptance of nominations, the call for members of the Jury of the Ambassador of Szczecin honorary title has begun. All residents of Szczecin who would like to influence the decision on who will be the “Ambassador of Szczecin” 2023 can take part in the Jury’s decision-making.
All you need to do is send your application, together with your name and return address, to by 20 April this year.
Three Szczecin residents, who will become members of the Jury, will be randomly selected from the submissions.