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      A water world that other cities envy

      Marta Kufel

      Marta Kufel

      A water world that other cities envy

      There is no need to leave Szczecin in order to marvel at the wonderful wildlife and arrange a meeting with family or friends in a truly fairy-tale scenery. All you need to do is rent a boat, canoe or other means of water transport and go to the places found on our reservoirs.

      We have seven such water corners in Szczecin. Each can be moored to by yacht or other floating mean of transport. In each of these places you will find shelters, benches, a barbecue area or a toilet. There are of course bins, which are emptied at least once a week by the employees of Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia. The same applies to portable toilets, in which cartridges are replaced once a week.

      Being in such a corner is not the only attraction. To reach them you need to sail, first along all our wharves, and then among the beautiful nature, untouched by humans. We pass a white-tailed eagle reserve, and you have to be really unlucky not to come across these proud birds sitting on trees and looking around. We also sail among thousands of ducks. We are led by herons, including the rare white specimens.

      “Foreign ornithologists regularly come to Szczecin and admire all these specimens with bated breath,” said Andrzek Kus, spokesperson for the Żegluga Szczecińska Turystyka Wydarzenia company. “The lucky ones may also spot… an elk swimming from shore to shore. We then see huge antlers moving over the surface of the water. These are just a few of many natural phenomena of our city.”

      Water corners are located in the following places:

      - Wydrnik (Snake Canal) – built in the area of the Wydrnik Canal, in the southern part of Radolin Island. The berth is designed to moor up to 5 sailing or motor yachts and 5 fishing boats or canoes.

      - Głębia – located on the Święta River, in the southern part of Dębina Island. The berth is designed to moor up to 5 sailing or motor yachts and 5 fishing boats or canoes.

      - Kwadrat – a small canal probably created in medieval times between the islands of Radolin and Dębina. During World War II, the Germans, hiding from the Allies, manufactured U-boats there. The project site is located in the area of the Święta River, in the southern part of Dębina Island. The berth is designed to moor up to 5 sailing or motor yachts and 10 fishing boats or canoes.

      - Orły – located in the area of the mouth of the Święta River to Lake Dąbie, in the northern part of Dębinka Island. The berth is designed to moor up to 5 sailing or motor yachts and 5 fishing boats or canoes.

      - Jeziorna – located in the area of Sadlińskie Łęgi riverside forests in the region of Jeziorna Street, about 200m from the mouth of the Chełszcząca Stream to Lake Dąbie. Intended for both canoeists and users of bicycle and roller paths. A total of 4 canoes can be moored there.

      - Płońska Kępa – located in the aquatic, coastal part of the Płońska Kępa point. Inaccessible by land. Intended for users of small watercraft – mainly canoeists. Elements of the equipment: mooring pier located perpendicular to the water current, canopied table with seats, information board, commemorative board, navigation and information signage, and a ladder descending into the water. It can moor up to 8 canoes.

      - Sadlińskie Łęgi – located in the coastal part of Lake Dąbie, the northernmost point of Sadlińskie Łęgi. Inaccessible by land. Intended for users of very small watercraft – canoeists. Elements of the corner’s equipment: mooring pier located perpendicular to the water current, access pier, recreational pier, canopied table with seats, information board, commemorative board, navigation and information signage, and a ladder descending into the water. The corner is designed to moor up to 8 canoes.

      - Trzebuskie Łęgi – located in the northern part of the Sadlińskie Łęgi area, close to the administrative border between the city of Szczecin and the municipality of Goleniów. Intended for both canoeists and users of bicycle and roller paths. It can moor up to 8 canoes.

      - Chełszcząca – located in the area of Sadlińskie Łęgi in the vicinity of the levee, approximately 200 m north of the mouth of the Chełszcząca stream into Lake Dąbie. It is intended for both canoeists and bicycle path users. It can moor up to 8 canoes.

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