A safe place still needed

Robert Duchowski

Already more than 100 refugees from Ukraine have found shelter with Szczecin residents who contacted the City Hall. However, housing is still needed.
As more and more Ukrainian war refugees arrive in Szczecin, the demand for long-term accommodation increases. Szczecinians have opened their hearts and homes, and a number of Ukrainians have already found shelter there. The City Council also runs a database of accommodation. Over 100 refugees have already found safe shelter in Szczecin’s homes.
Refugees from Ukraine who are looking for housing are welcome to contact the Szczecin Ukrainian Aid Centre at 4 Maria Skłodowska-Curie Street (tel. +48 665 11 22 10; +48 605 30 20 25), where staff and volunteers will assess their situation and then try to select a suitable offer from their database. Naturally, it is crucial to match the needs of those seeking shelter with the capabilities of those offering it.
Meanwhile, we continue to appeal to those in Szczecin who have the capacity to provide accommodation to those in need, to contact the City Hall. The main aim is to provide housing for at least a few months.
The application form is available here:
Volunteers can also apply by email: mieszkania@cudzoziemcy.szczecin.eu and by phone to the special telephone numbers: 665 112 349; 665 371 121 (numbers open Monday to Friday 8am - 4pm).
We would also like to remind that the refugees from Ukraine who do not have a guaranteed place of stay in Poland should go to the Reception Point, address: 40A Piastów Avenue, Szczecin, phone: +48 696 03 11 80, from where they will be directed to a place of temporary accommodation, will receive a warm meal, a drink, basic medical care and a place to rest.